
How do I maintain and care for a cordless impact wrench?


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To keep your cordless impact wrench in good shape, you need to take care of a few key parts of the tool, including the battery, gear settings, and other mechanical components. Here’s a closer look at how to maintain these important parts so your cordless impact wrench, like the ones we make at Autojare, keeps working its best .

Battery Maintenance

A battery pack is a bunch of battery cells or modules put together to give a specific voltage and capacity to meet the energy needs of different electronic devices. The battery pack in a cordless impact wrench is designed to give the power needed to run the tool efficiently for a long time. Cordless wrenches are used all the time to tighten or loosen bolts and nuts in automotive repair, construction projects, home maintenance, and all kinds of other maintenance jobs. The performance of the battery pack has a direct effect on how well the cordless impact wrench works, including how much torque it puts out, how long it runs, and how long it lasts .


Battery packs are usually set up in one of two ways or a combination of the two:

  • Series Configuration: When you connect cells in series, you add their voltages together, but the capacity (measured in amp-hours, Ah) stays the same as a single cell. This is the way you do it when you need a higher voltage.
  • Parallel Configuration: When you connect cells in parallel, you add their capacities together, but the voltage stays the same as a single cell. This is the way you do it when you want to increase the overall capacity of the pack so you can run the tool longer.
  • For Example :

The table below gives you a detailed look at how connecting batteries in series or parallel affects their voltage, current, and capacity, along with the math you use to figure out the total voltage and capacity in each type of connection.

Connection TypeVoltage ChangeCurrent ChangeCapacity ChangeDetailed Explanation
SeriesIncreasesRemains the sameRemains the sameIn a series connection, the total voltage (V) of the battery pack is the sum of the voltages of all individual batteries connected end-to-end, calculated as (V_{total} = V_{single} \times N), where (V_{single}) is the voltage of a single battery and (N) is the number of batteries. The current capacity (Ah) and discharge rate (A) remain unchanged from that of a single battery. This configuration increases the overall voltage of the pack without affecting the current capacity.
ParallelRemains the sameIncreasesIncreasesIn a parallel connection, the total current capacity (Ah) and discharge rate (A) of the pack are the sum of the current capacities of all the batteries connected together, calculated as (Ah_{total} = Ah_{single} \times N), where (Ah_{single}) is the capacity of a single battery and (N) is the number of batteries. The voltage of the pack remains the same as that of a single battery. This configuration is used to increase the overall current capacity and total capacity (Ah) of the pack.

Key Features

1. Chemistry Type: Most battery packs for cordless impact wrenches use lithium-ion (Li-ion) technology. People like Li-ion batteries because they have a high energy density, which means they can store a lot of energy for their size or weight compared to other types. That’s why they’re great for portable tools like cordless impact wrenches that need a lot of power but have to be light and easy to handle.

2. Voltage and Capacity: The voltage of the battery pack determines how much power the cordless impact wrench puts out. Common voltages for these tools are 12V, 18V, and 20V or even higher for professional-grade tools. The capacity of the battery, measured in amp-hours (Ah), tells you how long the tool can run on one charge. The higher the capacity, the longer you can use the tool without having to recharge it.

3. Compatibility: A lot of manufacturers make their battery packs so they work with a bunch of different tools in the same brand or product line. This lets you use the same battery pack for different tools, which gives you more options and saves you money because you don’t have to buy a bunch of different batteries for all your cordless tools.

4. Protection Features: Modern battery packs have built-in protection circuits that keep them from getting overcharged, overheated, or discharged too much. These features are important for safety and help the battery pack last a long time.

5. Recharge Time: How long it takes to recharge a battery pack from empty to full is another important thing to think about. The faster it recharges, the less time you have to wait around, which is a big deal if you use your tools all day long.

For cordless impact wrenches, the battery pack is more than just a power source. It’s a big deal because it’s what makes the tool work the way it does and lets you do all the different things you need to do with it.

Taking care of the battery pack in your cordless impact wrench is important because it helps it last a long time and work the way it’s supposed to. If you don’t take care of the battery pack, it won’t last as long and it might not work right. Here are some things you can do to take care of your cordless impact wrench battery pack:

Regular Charging

  • Avoid Complete Discharge: Recharge the battery pack before it’s completely dead. Lithium-ion batteries, especially, like to be kept charged up and can die sooner if you run them all the way down all the time.
  • Do Not Overcharge: Take the battery pack out of the charger when it’s done charging. Overcharging can make the battery pack get hot and can make it die sooner.

Optimal Storage Conditions

  • Temperature: Store the battery pack in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. Extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, can make the battery pack not work as well and can make it die sooner.
  • Charge Level for Storage: If you’re going to store the battery pack for a long time, keep it about half charged. If you store a battery pack all the way charged up or all the way dead, it can make the battery pack not work as well over time.

Cleaning and Inspection

  • Keep Terminals Clean: Every once in a while, clean the battery pack terminals with a dry cloth so they make good contact with the tool. This can help keep the battery pack from getting dirty and corroded.
  • Inspect Regularly: If you see any damage to the battery pack, like cracks or leaks, you need to replace it.

Usage Tips

  • Use Correct Charger: Always use the charger that came with your battery or a charger that’s made to work with your battery. Different chargers have different ways of charging batteries, and if you use the wrong charger, you could mess up your battery.
  • Avoid Extreme Use Conditions: Try to avoid using the battery when it’s really hot or really cold because extreme temperatures can mess up the battery and make it not last as long.

Battery Disposal

  • Proper Disposal: When a battery gets old and doesn’t work anymore, you need to throw it away the right way. Lots of stores and places where you can get rid of trash have recycling programs for lithium-ion batteries.

Periodic Calibration

  • Calibration: Some manufacturers recommend occasionally letting the battery die completely and then fully charging it again to recalibrate the battery’s charge level indicator. However, this is more applicable to older battery technologies and may not be necessary for modern lithium-ion batteries.

By following these maintenance tips, you can help ensure that your cordless tool’s battery pack stays in good condition, giving you reliable performance for years to come.

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Gear Settings Maintenance

The gear settings on your cordless impact wrench control the torque output, which is essential for different tasks. Proper maintenance of the gear mechanism is crucial for precise control and tool longevity.Here’s a general guide on how to maintain the gear settings and other related components:

Regular Inspection

  1. Check for Wear and Tear: Regularly inspect your impact wrench for any signs of wear or damage, particularly on the gears, chuck, and motor.
  2. Gear Lubrication: Gears should be lubricated periodically to reduce friction and prevent wear. Use the recommended type of lubricant for your model, typically a high-quality grease.


  1. Remove Debris: After each use, clean the tool to remove dust, debris, or any foreign materials that could get into the gears or motor.
  2. Air Blow: Use compressed air to blow out dust from the gears and motor area. Make sure you wear safety glasses during this process.


  1. Accessing Gears: For most cordless impact wrenches, you’ll need to partially disassemble the tool to access the gears. Consult your tool’s manual for instructions on how to safely do this.
  2. Applying Grease: Once you have access, apply a moderate amount of grease directly to the gears. Don’t over-lubricate, as excess grease can attract dust and debris.

Reassembly and Testing

  1. Reassemble Carefully: After lubrication, reassemble your impact wrench, making sure every part is correctly placed and tightened.
  2. Functional Test: Test the tool at low power to make sure everything is working properly. Listen for any strange noises that might indicate improper reassembly or gear problems.

Gear Adjustment

  1. Consult the Manual: Some cordless impact wrenches allow you to adjust the gear settings for different tasks. Check your user manual for instructions on how to adjust these settings correctly.
  2. Precision: When adjusting, make sure the settings match the recommended levels for your specific tasks to avoid overloading the motor or gears.

Battery Care

  1. Proper Charging: Always use the manufacturer-recommended charger and follow the charging instructions to avoid overcharging the battery, which can affect your tool’s performance.
  2. Storage: Store the battery in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight and extreme temperatures to help extend its life.

Professional Servicing

  1. Complex Issues: For any issues beyond basic maintenance or if you notice a significant drop in performance, consult a professional or an authorized service center. Trying to make complex repairs on your own can void the warranty or cause more damage.

Remember, the most accurate maintenance procedures for your specific cordless impact wrench will be found in the user manual provided by the manufacturer. Always refer to it for detailed instructions and safety warnings. Regular maintenance not only keeps your tool in top working condition but also keeps you safe while using it.

Motor and Drive Maintenance

Maintaining the motor and drive of a cordless impact wrench is important to make sure the tool works efficiently and lasts a long time. Here are some steps and tips on how to properly maintain these important parts:

Regular Inspection

  1. Visual Inspection: Periodically inspect the motor and drive for any signs of damage or unusual wear. Look for loose connections, damaged wires, or signs of overheating.
  2. Check for Sounds: While operating, listen for any unusual sounds coming from the motor, such as grinding or screeching, which could indicate internal problems.


  1. Dust and Debris Removal: Use compressed air to blow out dust and debris from the motor and drive area. Make sure the tool is turned off and the battery is removed before doing this. Regular cleaning prevents buildup that can affect performance and cause overheating.
  2. Wipe Down: With a clean, slightly damp cloth, wipe down the outside of the motor housing and drive to remove any remaining dirt or grease. Be careful not to get moisture in any openings.


  1. Bearings and Moving Parts: Depending on the model of your impact wrench, it may have bearings or other moving parts inside the motor assembly that need lubrication. Use light machine oil or a lubricant specified by the manufacturer.
  2. Avoid Over-lubricating: Applying too much lubricant can attract dust and debris, which can build up and affect the tool’s performance. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for how much lubricant to use and how often to apply it.

Battery and Electrical Connections

  1. Battery Maintenance: Make sure the battery contacts are clean and free of corrosion. Clean them with a dry cloth or brush if necessary. Always use the correct battery and charger as specified by the manufacturer.
  2. Check Connections: Inspect the connections between the battery, motor, and drive for any signs of wear or damage. Loose or damaged connections can lead to poor performance or safety hazards.

Brush and Commutator Care (For Brushed Motors)

  1. Brush Inspection: If your tool has a brushed motor, check the brushes for wear. Replace them if they’re worn down to the manufacturer’s recommended limit.
  2. Communator Cleaning: Clean the commutator if you see dirt buildup or if you’ve replaced the brushes. Use a commutator cleaning stone lightly against the commutator while spinning it by hand.


  1. Proper Storage: Store your impact wrench in a clean, dry place when you’re not using it. Extreme temperatures and moisture can damage the motor and battery.
  2. Battery Storage: If you’re not going to use the tool for a long time, take the battery out. Store the battery separately in a cool, dry place.

Professional Servicing

  1. Complex Maintenance: For motor and drive issues that go beyond basic cleaning and inspection, it’s best to have a professional service it. Trying to fix complex internal parts can cause more damage or safety issues.
  2. Annual Check-Ups: Consider having your tool professionally serviced once a year, especially if you use it a lot or in demanding conditions. This can help catch problems early and extend the life of your tool.

Follow Manufacturer Instructions

Always refer to your tool’s user manual for specific maintenance instructions related to the motor and drive. Manufacturers may provide additional guidance on care, troubleshooting, and when to have it serviced. Staying on top of regular maintenance will keep your cordless impact wrench reliable and ready to work.


By following these maintenance tips, you can greatly extend the life of your cordless impact wrench and keep it performing well. At Autojare, we make high-quality tools built to last, and proper maintenance is essential to getting the most out of your investment.

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